Plain Jane with Swing Arm BBQ Grill: the Swing Arm can be completely removed but, when in place, offers excellent control and lots of space for cooking with a grill and We also have different options for the number and size of Swing Arms included. You can then add a Hanging Arm, Cooking Bowl and Skillet etc as extras. The height of the Plain Jane makes it the perfect balance for sitting around to enjoy the heat and cooking over without too much bending over.
Pete’s Oven: this comes with the Swing Arm BBQ Grill and has oven space too so you can roast, bake, grill and fry at the same time. The Swing Arm can be interchanged with the Hanging Arm for bowl or skillet cooking (both the Hanging Arm and Bowl are extra).
Complete Outdoor Kitchen: the perfect answer for those wanting to cook often in the open air. The Outdoor Kitchen includes the Swing Arm BBQ Grill, Hanging Arm and Bowl as well as a built in warming oven. It also has a prep area with log store below.