Outdoor fire pits have increased in popularity over the years, and some may say that they have rendered the chiminea obsolete. We would have to disagree and believe there is a place for both, it’s just a case of identifying your wants and needs and what will work best for you. Firstly, it’s important to understand the differences between the fire pit and chiminea.
Chimineas originated in Mexico and have been around for hundreds of years. They were used as a means of cooking and heating long before they became a decorative fireplace in our gardens. Traditionally made from clay or terracotta, they are now also made from various metals, such as steel and cast iron. Clay or terracotta versions are not as robust as their metal counterparts and do not like the cold weather and should be moved indoors to prevent cracking. Sturdier versions made from steel are more robust and able to withstand all weathers and can therefore live outdoors all year round.
Fire pits in their most basic form have been around since man first discovered fire. Pits were dug in the ground with a circle of stones around it, as a means of controlling the fire and preventing it spreading. Permanent features are still popular to this day but have been overtaken in popularity by more portable versions made from steel or cast iron; both of which are very robust and will live outdoors through all seasons and last for years.
To help you decide between the fire pit or chiminea you should consider aspects such as your outdoor space, heat, smoke, safety, location, log supply and plans for cooking
Outdoor space
The outdoor space available can be a deciding factor, as fire pits and chimineas vary considerably in size and design. The fire pit is an open bowl and can fill a much bigger space, often spanning a meter or more. They are much shorter than a chiminea, sitting low to the ground and have a more squat, stable feel to them. The outdoor fire pit is ideal for larger areas where it can take centre stage and become a focal point.
Traditionally, a chiminea is a vertical structure with a bulbous body and a small opening to manage the fire, leading to a chimney stack for the smoke to escape upwards. Due to its taller stature, the chiminea fits into smaller outdoor spaces and can be tucked away quite nicely in a corner creating a cosy atmosphere for fireplace lovers

The amount of heat generated by a fire pit compared to a chiminea is significant. The open bowl of the fire pit allows you to build much bigger fires using larger logs and radiates 360° heat. The larger the fire the hotter the steel, which will naturally result in greater warmth to all that gather round, from a few close friends to a much larger gathering. You can’t beat the atmospheric ambience of sitting around a fire pit as the light fades and night draws in.
Chimineas have a small opening to their body for lighting and feeding the fire. The diameter of the opening is generally quite small and can be restrictive in the size of the logs that you can use. The fire is smaller and enclosed which limits the heat it can radiate. The opening to the fire is where the heat is felt most and only those sat directly in front will feel the full benefit from the warmth. This is perfect for small groups or couples to cosy up in front of the fire.
The amount of smoke generated by a fire pit is much greater due to the open bowl and exposure to wind. Most fires will smoke when first lit and if you are having a gathering, you want to ensure you light the fire at least half an hour before your guests arrive.
The chiminea is much more controlled where smoke is concerned due to the chimney stack taking the smoke up and away. The fire is also contained and less exposed to the wind, which creates smoke.
The type of wood you burn will also make a difference to the amount of smoke generated. Seasoned or kiln dried logs are a necessity to limit smoke. Wood that it damp or wet won’t burn properly and will smoke a lot.

It stands to reason that any fire will be a potential hazard and you should always proceed with caution, particularly where there are animals and children.
The fire pit exposes its fire to the elements so there is a risk of ash and hot embers blowing around. The steel will get very hot to touch but the fire is visible from all angles.
The chiminea has the fire contained within its body so is not exposed to the wind. However, the fire can only be seen from the opening on one side so the rear could be hazardous.
You could be forgiven for thinking that you would be better off with a chiminea if you live in a windy location. With its small opening for the fire, it is easy to position the rear against the wind, so the fire is protected.
However, as a British manufacturer of fire pits and chimineas, we have taken the good old British weather into consideration and designed our Tilted Sphere fire pit. With stylish elegance it offers perfect practically for a windy location. The bowl is beautifully curved and raised to protect the fire from the wind. And we didn’t stop there… we went on to design what every fire pit owner should have… a Wind Shield! This means, fire pit lovers living in windy locations don’t have to be restricted to having a chiminea.

Log supply
Having a good log supply is important especially if you have a gathering planned. You don’t want to run out of logs before the evening is over and not be able to keep your guests warm. We always suggest using kiln dried, seasoned wood, this helps to reduce smoke when gathered around your firepit or chiminea and creates plenty of heat for cooking over.
Both the fire pit and chiminea will require a good supply of wood to keep the fire going. However, the size of logs will differ; the fire pit with its open bowl can accommodate much larger logs than the chiminea with its small opening.
Cooking with fire is an age-old pastime that has been very much revived in recent years. Its popularity has risen along with our desire to socialise and spend more time outdoors. If you were under the impression that you would need to choose between a fire or chiminea for cooking, you would be mistaken.
At Firepits UK we know how important it is to be able to cook over the fire and keep warm. All our fire pits and chimineas can be used for cooking with either a BBQ rack or our clever Swing Arm BBQ Rack. Easily removed when the cooking is finished, you can just add more logs and continue to enjoy the warmth into the evening.

Whether your final decision is to choose a fire pit or chiminea, we recommend purchasing high quality British products that will last you for many years. Visit our shop or email us with any enquiries you may have.